
Category: Large Scale

Getting THE MOST out of Lettermen

Watch Lettermen in Action

Lettermen Campaign for #ORIGIN

Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing
Letter People walking around
Letter costumes marketing
Letter costumes marketing


Category: Large Scale


  • Fun & high impact
  • 40+ different letters, numbers and special characters, including # and @ symbols
  • Unique, bold and unprecedented
  • Teams are choreographed
  • Letters are supervised to control the overall appearance and performance
  • Shareable on socials

Impossible to ignore, Lettermen® are fun, social and used for a very public and high-impact campaign. Great for a loud message or where you can interact with and excite your demographic.


40+ Characters

Build a message with 40+ different characters, letters and numbers, including # and @ symbols.



Unique, bold and unprecedented. We created Lettermen and know it inside out.



Teams are choreographed with learnt moves and sequences. Letters are supervised and assisted by a choreographer and safety officers who direct and control the overall appearance and performance.



They're fun. Lettermen excite the audience and are often shared on social media.


Environmentally Friendly

Lettermen is a zero-waste service.


How are they used?

Teams are in a public place. Teams walk around, dance and bust some choreographed moves. They 'break' and 'reform' the message multiple times, giving the audience resolve. They can remain in a single location or move between several close locations in a single shift. Team members must have several short breaks throughout a shift

Name * Email * Organisation Phone Message How did you hear about us?  

Team Locations

Regular and trained teams are briefed on every single shift:

  • Sydney
  • Melbourne
  • Brisbane
  • Adelaide
  • Perth
  • Canberra
  • Hobart
  • Gold Coast
  • Newcastle
  • Wollongong
  • Other Major Cities
  • Can reach most rural areas across Australia


  • Fun & high impact
  • 40+ different letters, numbers and special characters, including # and @ symbols
  • Unique, bold and unprecedented
  • Teams are choreographed
  • Letters are supervised to control the overall appearance and performance
  • Shareable on socials

Fun & high impact

What do you actually get with a campaign?

  • Short turn-around times
  • Comprehensive Campaign Report
  • Artwork guidance and optional graphic design
  • Regular and trained teams
  • Teams that are briefed before every single shift
  • Flexibility and adaptability

Not sure where to start?

Get in touch... We'll ask you a heap of questions so we can provide you with customised and targeted campaign options.

Email Us

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